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  • IBITGQ - ISO27001 Certified ISMS Lead Implementer (CIS LI)

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As a natural entrepreneur, I am always looking for creating new business ideas and developing current ones. Always contributing to the development of business is my first and foremost professional mission. I have been involved in a number of company start-ups involving a couple of major companies as well as several well-known Swedish and international business profiles. In the field of security I have been active for more than 16 years as a consultant, auditor, manager and currently as a senior C-level executive. My past experience has resulted in a broad competence basis, several security publications and various management positions. My start was back in 1997 when I had developed a huge interest in security and during 1999 I had by chance discovered a serious security flaw in one online service run by a largest bank in Turkey. Security was at that time very poorly represented in the university curriculums and since I am a very business driven person, and as much an entrepreneur as I'm a security expert, I invested my saved money in an air-plane ticket and accommodation and found a temporary job as a developer and security consultant in Turkey. At the same time I have prepared a business plan combined with an effort to collect investment and partnership contracts which eventually led to a spin-off of my first security company in Istanbul with that Turkish bank and a media company as investors. Some 16 years later I work as a Group Security Manager/Chief Security Officer in a reputable international communications company with more than 1400+ of employees out of total 40,000 employees in the enterprise group. My company focuses on processing very sensitive/confidential information in areas of i.e. finance, telecom and governmental agencies. In my current position I have total group responsibility for physical- and logical security, security risk management, governing policies, customer requirements, crisis- and continuity management. I have almost exclusively worked with major international companies and through close partnership with some of the leading financial organizations and banks, I have acquired an excellent understanding of market situation, legislations, market security requirements and challenges within the banking sector. As the scope and complexity of technology’s contribution to business increases, so does the role of security which is today recognized as an important business enabler - meaning that no security nowadays practically means no business. Today’s security plays a critical role in enabling the exchange and processing of sensitive information with customers and cooperating organizations. Heightened legislative and regulatory pressure for better control over information means that security must be incorporated early and comprehensively in all important business processes. It also needs a proper management support in order for top management to understand that security is an important business enabler. Management also needs to understand that, when addressed as a whole, security can reduce the costs and increase the effectiveness of compliance. By investing in security, an organization helps its customers to fulfil the regulative and legislative requirements thus winning trust. More trust means better and closer bands with the market, improving revenue. My social skills are excellent and I am open to experience new cultures and countries as well as new types of industries. I am fluent in three languages and my goal is to learn more languages. I'm also Certified ISO 27001 Lead Implementer and a CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional), which is the first and best known security certification accredited by ANSI / ISO / IEC Standard with the broadest industry support. After an invitation by Lund University, one of northern Europe's oldest and most prestigious universities, I accepted with great pride an incredible opportunity to inspire, educate and motivate students as a guest lecturer in my lecturing sessions called "Security - as a business enabler."

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Certified Information Systems Security Professional