250.000 ISTQB Certified Tester

The International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) has published it's newest numbers of Certified Testers. As of September 2012 more than 250.000 software testers have been certified in more than 70 countries world-wide.

ISTQB is today the most renowned scheme for certifying software testers in the world.

More than 1.500 certificate holders registered

The GASQ Register is becoming more and more popular. Until end of October more than 1.500 participants have been registered their certificates. The registration is available for certificates like ISTQB, IBAQB, REQB, IBUQ, IBITGQ, Automotive Tester and TickITplus. If you have not yet registered your certificate you can register here.

Conference: TestIstanbul 2012

TestIstanbul is the leading conference on Software Testing in Turkey. TestIstanbul 2012 Conference will be 2 days of keynotes and presentations (May 24-25).

TestIstanbul Conference aims to cover the following topics:

Development Capability accredited as TickITplus training provider

Develop Capability Ltd has been awarded TickITplus Accredited Training Organisation status by GASQ to deliver TickITplus Foundation Training.

Foundation training for Practitioners and Assessors is a pre-requisite for organisations planning to prepare for TickITplus certification.
Mr Bal Matu, Managing Director and Lead Tutor at Develop Capability Ltd says “I have developed this TickITplus Foundation training course using 30 years of experience of working with IT Quality Management Systems. In particular the case studies and exercises have been designed to engage delegates and expand their abilities as professionals”.

Werner Henschelchen, General Secretary of GASQ says: “we are very happy to see that the interest in the TickITplus scheme is growing rapidly. Development Capability is a good training provider to deliver training courses for the new TickITplus scheme.

Bal Matu was one of the original TickIT Assessors that registered in 1991 and since then has been noted for his contributions to the TickIT scheme, his commitment to teaching, and his auditing experience. More recently he has performed some of the “early adopter” assessments of the new TickITplus scheme. He says “the process assessment approach used in TickITplus promotes productivity improvements, reduces business risk and helps organisations avoid software project failures”

Tritech new Accredited Training Provider

Tritech, one of Europe's leading suppliers of technical expertise, products and solutions for M2M wireless communication, is now an Accredited Training Provider for REQB CPRE Foundation Level via the Swedish Quality Engineering Board SQEB.

GASQ on World Usability Day

GASQ is on the World Usability Day in Stuattgart today to present the IBUQ certification.

The 7th World Usability Day in Stuttgart with around 3.000 participants is the major event on Usability Engineering in Germany. GASQ and IBUQ are presenting the leading certification for Usability Experts there.